CBT Campus' Linux Books
CBT Campus' ITPro™ Referenceware Library
CBT Campus' ITPro Referenceware from Books24x7®, provides the ultimate productivity, learning and reference solution for IT professionals. ITPro delivers the full contents of thousands of books, reports, documents and more in a fully searchable, Web-based environment. This professional information tool is packed with recent, relevant, best-in-class technical reference material from trusted publishers such as Wrox, MIT Press, McGraw-Hill Osborne, Wiley and many others. This comprehensive resource spans the spectrum of technology topics. Hundreds of thousands of IT professionals already rely on ITPro for instant self-directed learning, reference, and assistance.
With ITPro, users can search, browse and view every word, graphic, code example and table from thousands of technology titles covering more than 100 topics, including:
- Certification & Compliance
- Operating Systems
- Databases
- Programming Languages
- Desktop & Office Applications
- Security
- Enterprise Computing
- Software Engineering
- Graphic Design & Multimedia
- Telecommunications
- Hardware
- Web Programming & Development
- Networks & Protocols
Sample of Linux training titles included:
Linux & OpenVMS Interoperability: Tricks for Old Dogs; New Dogs; and Hot Dogs with Open Systems | Linux Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to Linux Certification Skills |
Linux All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies; 2nd Edition | Linux All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies; 3rd Edition |
Linux and the Unix Philosophy Linux Apache Web Server Administration; Second Edition | Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances |
Linux Applications Development for the Enterprise | Linux at Work: Building Strategic Applications for Business |
Linux Bible | Linux C Code InstantCode: Developing Network Applications |
Linux Client Migration Cookbook: A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide for Migrating to Desktop Linux | Linux Clustering with CSM and GPFS |
Linux Complete | Linux Database Bible |
Linux Email: Set up and Run a Small Office Email Server | Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables; psad; and fwsnort |
Linux For Dummies Quick Reference; 3rd Edition | Linux For Dummies; 8th Edition |
Linux for Non-Geeks: A Hands-On; Project-Based; Take-It-Slow Guidebook | Linux for S/390 |
Linux for WebSphere and DB2 Servers | Linux Game Programming |
Linux Handbook: A Guide to IBM Linux Solutions and Resources | Linux in Small Business: A Practical User's Guide |
Linux in the Workplace: How to Use Linux in Your Office | Linux InstantCode: Shell Programming |
Linux Made Easy: The Official Guide to Xandros 3 for Everyday Users | Linux Network Security |
Linux Network Servers | Linux Network Servers 24seven |
Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Best Security Practices | Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390:Performance Measurement and Tuning |
Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines | Linux Power Tools |
Linux Programmer's Reference | Linux Programming Bible |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 for Dummies | Red Hat Fedora and Enterprise Linux 4 Bible |
Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 All-in-One Desk | Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 Bible |
Red Hat Fedora Linux 3 Bible | Red Hat Fedora Linux Secrets |
Red Hat Linux 7 Bible; Unlimited Edition | Red Hat Linux 7.1 Bible; Unlimited Edition |
Red Hat Linux 7.2 Bible; Unlimited Edition | Red Hat Linux 7.3 Secrets |
Red Hat Linux 7.3 Bible | Red Hat Linux 7.3 For Dummies |
Red Hat Linux 8 Bible | Red Hat Linux 8 For Dummies |
Red Hat Linux 8 Server | Red Hat Linux 9 Professional Secrets |
Red Hat Linux Administration Tools | Red Hat Linux Administrator's Guide |
Red Hat Linux Administrator's Handbook | Red Hat Linux Bible: Fedora and Enterprise Edition |
Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration | Red Hat Linux Networking Toolkit; Second Edition |
Using the ITPro™ collection from Books24x7, you'll find quick and accurate answers to all your technical questions for the Linux certification exams!
ReferencePoint Suites
Exclusive to ITPro, ReferencePoints are high-impact articles on key aspects of current technology topics. Inspired by users, ReferencePoints address topics that are either too new or lack critical mass for commercial publishers to address, but are important for early technology adapters.
CD Content
Recognizing that the content on companion CDs often provides essential value to the book, Books24x7 has contextually integrated the CD content within select titles. It is accessible via links in the table of contents and within relevant areas of the text.
A must-have resource for just in time learning, IT professionals can instantly increase their knowledge, understanding and skills for immediate results:
- Brush up on publishing with Red Hat Linux
- Find out how to make COM and .NET interoperate
- Broaden your understanding of database architecture for warehousing
- Create multi-user Microsoft Access applications
- Learn UML syntax
- Become skilled at debugging XSLT transformations
- Become an experienced Sun Java programmer
- Prepare for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam
- Gain insights to knowledge management and knowledge engineering
- Learn to balance tight security with an efficient workplace
- And many more!
For more information on our Linux training reference books, simply fill out the form below and a training advisor will contact you within one business day.